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Three volunteers in a warehouse
3 Volunteers wearing masks

Welcome to the Ohio State University Extension Volunteer Engagement page.  Research shows that people who volunteer live longer, are more physically active, and are happier!  If you are interested in becoming an Master Gardener Volunteer, visit the Ohio State University Becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer HOMEPAGE to learn more about the program, upcoming trainings, volunteer requirements, program policies, and more.

Next, contact your local OSU Extension office to determine if they have an active program and are hosting an Intern training. (Note:  not every county in Ohio has a Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) program so be sure to check).  Visit mastergardener.osu.edu/counties and click on your county.  Learn if and when they are hosting MGV Intern training:  You can also call your local Extension office to learn more about their program and volunteer opportunities.

Once you decide to become a MGV, Create an Account, then open the MGV Application under the Forms tab at the top of this page.  Complete the application and the local OSU MGV County Coordinator will contact you.

We are excited that you are interested in this program and know that you will find a wide variety of opportunities for giving back to your community as well as learning more about horticulture.  We promise ongoing training and engaging volunteer activities and events.


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